How to Create a Day at the Spa at Home

 Turn Your Home into a Relaxing Spa with DIY Beauty Treatments, Pampering Practices, and Candles

Experience of a Spa Day at Home

Are you a spa fanatic dreaming of indulging in a spa day every day for a hundred years? Spas offer a sanctuary to unwind, relax, and escape to a different world.

Imagine waking up at a relax day spa with everyone greeting you with a warm "good morning beautiful"; it sets the perfect tone for a wonderful spa day.

However, not everyone enjoys the hefty price tags associated with a day at the spa, especially in locations like New York, Florida, and California where some of the most breathtaking spas are located.

Don't misunderstand; there are moments when splurging in day spas brings immense joy and no regrets. Occasionally, indulging in bold and beautiful spoilers adds an element of excitement.

But fear not, as I've devised a master plan and am bringing the at-home spa day checklist right to your doorstep. Light your favorite scented candles as a luxury spa day awaits you.

Before diving into your at-home spa day, it's crucial to set the right mindset. Indulging in self-care should not evoke guilt or self-doubt.

It's essential to prioritize yourself without feeling ashamed or selfish. Let's explore creative and enjoyable ways to create a relaxing spa day at home.

Create Your DIY Face Scrubs and Body Scrubs for Luxurious Skin Care

You may unknowingly possess all the ingredients needed for spa services at home right in your kitchen. Taking care of your skin is essential for feeling and looking beautiful.

Your face is the first reflection you see in the mirror each morning, underscoring the importance of self-nurturing. Crafting homemade face masks and body scrubs enhances the sensory experience of self-care, elevating the luxuriousness of the spa day. Here are some fantastic recipes for face masks:

1. Honey and Oatmeal Face Scrub

   - Ingredients:

     - 2 tablespoons of rolled oats

     - 1 tablespoon of honey

     - 1 teaspoon of olive oil (optional)

   - Benefits:

     - Oatmeal: A gentle exfoliant that removes dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and soothes irritated skin, making it ideal for sensitive or inflamed skin.

     - Honey: Acts as a natural humectant, retaining moisture, fighting acne-causing bacteria, and leaving the skin soft and hydrated.

     - Olive Oil (optional): Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, nourishing and moisturizing the skin for a supple, radiant feel.

2. Sugar and Coconut Oil Face Scrub


     - 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar (white or brown)

     - 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (melted)

     - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)


     - Sugar: A gentle exfoliant promoting smoother skin texture and unclogging pores.

     - Coconut Oil: Deeply moisturizing and nourishing, preventing moisture loss and combating skin issues.

     - Lemon Juice (optional)**: Rich in vitamin C for brightening and evening out the skin tone.

3. Coffee Grounds and Yogurt Face Scrub


     - 2 tablespoons of used coffee grounds (cooled)

     - 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt

     - 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)


     - Coffee Grounds: Antioxidant properties protect the skin, exfoliating and stimulating circulation.

     - Yogurt: Gently exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.

     - Honey (optional): Adds moisturizing and antimicrobial benefits to the scrub.

Enhance Your Spa Day with Candlelit Relaxation

Immerse yourself in the soothing glow of beautiful candles, creating a tranquil environment for relaxation. If sensitive to candle scents, opt for unscented candles; they work just as effectively.

Dim the lights, wrap yourself in a warm robe, and ignite a scented candle to transform your mood. Candles serve as powerful mood enhancers, especially after a long day, providing the perfect atmosphere for relaxation, perhaps in a tub with a face mask on while meditating.

Embrace this personal time to unwind and let your thoughts wander freely, truly caring for your mental wellness. Schedule that spa day at home with confidence; it's an experience you won't regret.

Nail Care and Hair Treatments You Can Do at Home

Taking care of my nails was my least favorite thing to do. I hated going to nail salons and cringing at all the tools they were using. It was almost like a dreadful chore.

Until one day I started to file my nails while watching TV and was amazed at how relaxing I found it to be. Next thing I knew, I ordered more nail kits from Amazon and started to design my own nails. I was fully invested in them and couldn't stop.

While I got into my nails, I started to do the same thing with my hair and cared for each hair strand like I did cuticle. It wasn't about looking pretty. I liked taking care of myself and wanted to set an example for all the women around me.

I wasn't glammed out from head to toe, but I was neatly kept and I felt like my life was in order when I was put together. It truly made me feel like a special woman on the inside. So try your best not to neglect your hair and nails. Don't see it as a chore, make it your creative outlet.

Tips for Creating a Tranquil Atmosphere with Candles and Music

When you're starting your new spa day at home, I want to give you some tips on how you can make this possible and create a serene environment. It's best to add this into your routine, but if you can't, make it a monthly to weekly dedication to deep clean your body and mind.

First things first, go pick out some of your best scented or unscented candles. We have a wonderful collection of candles best for all kinds of relationships. Pick any that suit your mood and what you want to accomplish during your time of relaxation.

Next, prep all of your skin and body care items. Choose what your best spa day at home would look and feel like.

Do you want to focus on your nail care or go into deep body treatments? Or do you want to do it all? It is all up to you and how you want to feel by the end of this.

Gather all the items needed for your spa day (candles included) and get into the mindset of relaxation. Pick music that eases your mind and candles that soothe the heart. Watch your spa day become the best day of the day for you.

Embrace Self-Care with Regular At-Home Spa Days Infused with Candlelit Comforts

Now I know you're probably thinking, there's no on earth I'm ever going to make time for this. Yes, you may have kids and work, but we are humans who are living in the age of advanced technology.

Find creative ways to use it to your advantage to make spa days a regular thing at home. Sometimes we feel like we are trapped in our day-to-day activities and time isn't on our side.

You need to make a regular spa day at home a part of your routine if you want to nurture your mental health. Too many times we let our day take control over us and neglect the most powerful thing, which is our mind. Stress is a real thing, and by taking 1 hour a week to slow down your thinking, you can have a huge positive impact on your mental health.

So don't be ashamed, even if it's just 1 thing you do on this blog post, do something to make time for yourself and the health of your mind. I hope this blog post gives you some insight into self-care. I'll speak to you in the next one!  


How to Declutter Your Home Fast with the Soothing Power of Candles