How to Declutter Your Home Fast with the Soothing Power of Candles

The Art of Decluttering Fast and Creating a Tranquil Environment with Candles

Let me guess, this is probably your 1,000,000th blog post teaching you how to declutter and create the best relaxing home environment you can. But you're going to follow through this time, right?

Don't worry; I won't judge you if you don't. Trust me, I have been in the same boat. Reading article after article about how to declutter fast, and then I look around, and my home is nowhere near the minimalistic life I want to live or dream of.

This blog post isn't only about giving you tips on how to declutter. Let's dive deep into some of the reasons on how we even got to this point in our lives. Let me tell you a personal story. I was always in denial about my mini hoarder habits.

Clutter seemed to always show up in every aspect of my life. My car would always end up looking like I live in it. My bathroom countertop was full of skincare products that I never even opened. And my closets were jam-packed with clothes, so much that I was overwhelmed with choices on what to wear. Does this sound like you?

If you want to declutter fast and create a space in your home, you have to prepare your mind for what is about to happen.

You are about to part with items that you swore you were going to use or that someone gifted you 15 years ago at your bat mitzvah. Sometimes it's time to rip off the bandage so you can focus on the things that actually matter in your life that aren't stuff.

Where you have a clutter-free space, you have a clutter-free mind. A mind free to wander and be creative. A mind with nothing in its way to impact this world in ways you aren't able to see right now.

So what do you say? Are you ready to make some serious changes to your space so you can create a soothing, relaxing, scented candle-lit room to walk into every day? If so, keep reading.

Step 1: Setting the Mood with Relaxing Candlelight to Begin Your Decluttering Journey

Before you learn how to declutter your home fast, it's time to get into the mindset. I know we said we are going to do this quickly, but this part we have to move a little slow.

If you rush into the decluttering process, it may not be the best experience for you, and the process can go sour real quick.

So before you begin, I suggest getting into a five-minute meditation just to clear your mind from any clutter. Forget about your troubles, no matter how horrible they may be.

The next five minutes are all about preparing yourself to get rid of anything that isn't serving you, letting go of unnecessary attachments that are keeping you from moving forward. And this isn't just about things; this is about people too.

Next, I want you to grab your favorite scented candle and a candle warmer. Don't forget a beautiful candle holder. A candle warmer is also a beautiful addition. Something more on the calming side to create a soothing mood as you begin to let things go.

I personally love anything herbal and woody. Those types of candle scents bring comfort to my soul and always put me in the best mood, especially when I am getting rid of things. Now that your mind is clear and your best candle scents are lit, it's time to start to declutter fast.

Step 2: Practical Tips to Declutter Your Space Quickly While Enjoying the Fragrance of Candles

Getting rid of things doesn't have to be such a somber experience. You can have fun and do good while lowering the amount of clutter and disorganization in your life. Let's talk about three popular methods to help you declutter your space and not hate the process.

Decluttering can be a beneficial way to create a more organized and stress-free living space. Here are three fast decluttering methods you can use:

1. The Four-Box Method:
This method involves labeling four boxes as "Trash," "Donate/Sell," "Keep," and "Relocate." As you go through your things, place each item into one of the four boxes based on whether you want to keep, donate, throw away, or move it to a different location.

This method provides a systematic approach to quickly sort through items. Once an item is in its category, move on quickly before you change your mind. Remember what I said before; it's about ripping the bandaid off and moving on.

 2. The 12-12-12 Challenge: In this method, you aim to find 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to be returned to their proper place. This challenge not only helps in decluttering quickly but also encourages you to make decisions about what items are truly necessary in your space.

I always favored this method because it doesn't disregard the emotional attachment we have to our things. And you are learning how to declutter a house fast while moving a bit slow at the same time. It also adds a bit of fun to figure out what to donate, throw away, and keep. You start to see what you truly value in your home.

3. The KonMari Method: And how do we declutter fast without the lovely Marie Kondo? The KonMari method involves decluttering by category (such as clothes, books, or sentimental items) rather than by location. You start by gathering all items within a specific category, then hold each item to determine if it "sparks joy." If it does not, you thank the item for its service and let it go. This method can be efficient in quickly decluttering your belongings based on their significance to you.

Step 3: Utilizing Candles as Motivational Tools to Maintain a Clutter-Free Environment

Now that you have organized and decluttered your home, the next step might be the toughest. The step of maintaining a decluttered home can be challenging. Old habits may spark up again, and things might clutter quickly back into the space you worked hard to declutter. It's important to catch this before it begins. Here are a few ways scented and unscented candles can help keep the space you worked so hard on clutter-free.

Candle Clusters: Arrange candles of different shapes and sizes in cozy clusters on shelves or countertops to bring a warm and inviting feel to your space. The gentle flicker will motivate you to keep things tidy.

Scented Candles: Opt for scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus to create an energizing aroma that can lift your spirits as you tackle your decluttering tasks. A pleasant fragrance can really enhance your mood and productivity.

Candlelight Meditation: Before diving into decluttering, take a moment to light a taper candle and indulge in a little meditation in its calming glow. Center yourself, set your intentions, and visualize the organized space you're aiming for.

Candle Rituals: Make a ritual out of lighting a large candle each time you finish a decluttering task or reach an organizational milestone. This simple yet powerful act can help you celebrate your progress and small victories along the way.

Mindful Candle Placement: Strategically place big candles and candle pillars in areas prone to clutter buildup as gentle reminders to stay focused on maintaining order. Remember, incorporating candles into your organization routine can not only enhance the ambiance of your space but also serve as strong motivators for achieving decluttering success!

Embracing decluttered spaces and candlelit serenity is a beautiful way to create peace in your mind and home. Clearing out clutter helps you think clearly and feel calm. Adding soft candlelight brings a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, soothing your mind and promoting mindfulness. Together, a tidy space and gentle candlelight make a peaceful sanctuary for your body and soul.

Congratulations! You made it to the end of this post.

Thank you for taking the time out to read my work. I hope this was helpful to you and anyone you love. Good luck on your declutter journey, and I hope to see you in my next post!  


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